The first records of the Colnar family date back to 1408, although we have been known for winemaking “since time immemorial”, since a vineyard cottage and cellar were built on the plot.
A special tradition, however, began in 1747, when the first son of a new generation named John was born. Since then, we have named every first son that way, which has survived to this day. The last – the current John is the eighth in a row.
In 2014, we officially switched to winemaking and expanded to 9 acres of vineyards. So today we cultivate 50,000 vines in four different locations illuminated by the sun.
Today we produce several types of wine, and the first priority is constant quality assurance. We not only maintain but also upgrade the quality that is our primary quality over the years. Our wish is that in a glass of properly served wine, at the appropriate temperature, a person feels relaxed, that he feels our effort and is pleasantly surprised by the color, smell and taste of each variety. At the same time, our goal has been achieved.