be wines brands fedora


We devote a lot of time and energy to the preservation and restoration of old vineyard locations which during the last 50 years have been left neglected in favour of cheaper and less work-intensive ones. We believe that to produce exceptional wine, exceptional effort is required. There are no shortcuts in winemaking.

Pinella, Zelen, Vitovska Grganja, Ošip, Čedajc, Pokalca, Ribolla, Refosco, Picolit. We are dedicated to the preservation of the old Primorska varieties which have been growing on our soil for centuries. We grow scions and plant them on suitable locations. Zelen, Pinella, and Refosco are already bottled, the rest are coming soon.

The ideal conditions for uncompromising wines are guaranteed by more than one hundred southerly and south-easterly terraces with altitudes between 200 and 350 metres, constant winds, and an exceptional combination of marl, clay and limestone.

Fedora wines reflect our unique microenvironment and embody fruitiness as well as mineral qualities. Average temperatures are slightly lower than in Vipavska dolina. The vines are grown on southerly and easterly slopes, receiving plenty of sun and constant vortices of opposing bora from Karst and Vipava. Large differences between day and night temperatures result in fruity wines, while the marlstone rich soil gives them distinct mineral notes.