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Wine region: Prekmurje
Vintage: 2022
Variety: 100% jurka
Vinification: spontaneous fermentation on its own yeast
Nothing was added to the wine, nothing taken away is unfiltered and without added sulfur, it contains natural sulfites.
Picked up from the never sprayed »lugaš«. Spontaneous fermentation on its own yeast.
The wine is full of flavor with pronounced aromas of forest fruits, strawberries with full flavor.
The first Pet-Nat from Lendava was made by pressing the grapes after harvesting and leaving the must to ferment. Before the fermentation was complete, it was filled into bottles without filtration. The must was completely fermented in the bottle, causing bubbles to form and the sparkling wine was finished. At the bottom of the bottle is yeast that ensure the wine’s durability. It must be well cooled before use and care must be taken when opening it, as the wine is still alive!
Pét-Nat is a term for natural sparkling wines produced in the ‘methode ancestrale’, otherwise known as “rurale,” “artisanale,” or “gaillacoise.” Long story short, the wine is bottled prior to fully completing its first fermentation, allowing carbon dioxide to be produced by the natural sugars found in the grapes.
€27,45 €24,71
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