Winery of the week

be wines brands mulit


The vineyard as a medium of transition from the older to the younger generation. Everyone marks it with their own beliefs, the common thread is the preservation and improvement of conditions for future generations. Boleslav Prinčič planted innovative varieties such as syrah and viognier, and along with traditional varieties, introduced the red and white varieties of mulit from Brda. Today, Boleslav, together with his sons, continues the work he started. With mulit, they express a modern, fine style of white and red wine with the seal of the Brda area. The name Mulit comes from nummulites, which is the Latin name for a fossil in the flysch sediments typical of Brda.

We are focused on two wines produced from traditional and modern grape varieties planted in Brdy. The sun-drenched hills, the cooler air from under the Julian Mountains and the openness to the Adriatic reflect the character of our wines on the one hand. On the other hand, care for a balanced crop, monitoring the ripeness of the fruit and cellar practices are our guidelines for quality. We respect the earth and farm sustainably with natural fertilization and without the use of invasive means.

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Sort: Viognier, Chardonnay, Ribolla Gialla, Sauvignon
Region: Goriška brda
23,06 / Bottle


Sort: Chardonnay
Region: Goriška brda
24,71 / Bottle


Out of stock

Sort: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah
Region: Goriška brda
26,36 / Bottle

